Indonesia Muslim Travel Index (IMTI) 2023: A Joint Commitment to Improve the Existence of Muslim Friendly Tourism in the Country
JAKARTA, July 27, 2023 – The Indonesian Halal Tourism Association (PPHI) is pleased to announce the implementation of the Indonesia Muslim Travel Index (IMTI) 2023 event series. IMTI 2023 is a collaborative effort between PPHI, tourism stakeholders, and several other cross-sector organizations to increase the existence and empowerment of Muslim-friendly tourism in Indonesia. As the coordinator of IMTI 2023 implementation, PPHI works closely with Bank Indonesia, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf), KNEKS, and other institutions.
The IMTI 2023 Development Workshop was successfully held on June 9 at Pullman Hotel Thamrin, Jakarta. The event was attended by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Director of DEKS Bank Indonesia, Director of KNEKS, Chairman of PPHI, and Heads of Tourism Offices from the nominated provinces.

MTI 2023 is an important initiative to maintain and continue to develop the existence of Muslim-Friendly Tourism in Indonesia. The main aim is to give awards to provinces that are committed to providing Muslim-Friendly Tourism as extended services for domestic and foreign Muslim tourists.
The series of IMTI 2023 activities includes filling in data on the IMTI form from June 19 to July 15. Furthermore, Stage 1 Data Verification will be carried out online via the Zoom platform on date. The 2023 IMTI Team will also conduct a Field Visit from July 23 to August 1. Meanwhile, the final collection of provincial data forms is scheduled for August 1.
Furthermore, the IMTI 2023 Ranking and Rating announcement will be made in the final week of October, as part of the ISEF 2023 series of events.
The presence of IMTI 2023 is very important to maintain Indonesia as the best halal destination in the world.
IMTI 2023 will use the ACES Model as a benchmark for ranking and rating provinces that are committed to organizing Muslim-friendly tourism.
Involvement and synergy between tourism stakeholders at the central and regional levels is a crucial factor that will ensure the success of each stage of IMTI 2023. We also invite media partners to cover and participate in publishing information about IMTI 2023, as well as any developments related to efforts to increase the existence of Friendly Tourism Muslims in Indonesia.
For further information, please contact:
Rifai Chaniago (Direktur Eksekutif PPHI)
WhatsApp : +6285159066892
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Instagram : @pphi_id