CategoriesAcara Artikel Berita Jakarta

Muslim Friendly Travel Fair 2024

Muslim Friendly Travel Fair 2024 is held in Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta, from October 30th to November 3rd, 2024.

Muslim Friendly Travel Fair 2024 is part of The 6th International Halal in Tourism Summit (IHTS) – The 11th International Sharia Economic Festival (ISEF) aims to raise awareness of top-tier products and services, create valuable networking and partnership opportunities, and boost sales while expanding market reach.


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Launching of the Guidelines for Basic Services of Muslim-Friendly Tourism

Launching of the Guidelines for Basic Services of Muslim-Friendly Tourism
6th International Halal in Tourism Summit (IHTS) 2024

Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta | October 30, 2024

In order to guide tourism industry players in providing better services to both domestic and global Muslim tourists, the Ministry of Tourism, Bank Indonesia, and Bappenas collaborated to develop a Basic Guidelines for Muslim-Friendly Tourism Services. The guidelines were launched during the Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival on October 30, 2024, by Mrs. Widiyanti Putri Wardhana (Minister of Tourism), accompanied by Mr. Arief Hartawan (Head of the Regional Department of Bank Indonesia) and Mrs. Rosy Wediawaty (Director of Trade, Investment and International Economic Cooperation, Bappenas).

The symbolic ceremony was conducted through the handover of the guidelines from the Minister of Tourism to Mr. Hariyadi Sukamdani as the Chairman of the Confederation of Indonesia Tourism Association and Mr. Riyanto Sofyan as the Chairman of the Indonesia Halal in Tourism Association.

The guidelines are optional and inclusive, elaborating on three basic elements related to Muslim-friendly tourism services, namely the provision of halal food and beverages, sanitation, and adequate sanitation facilities. Hopefully the intended guidelines can contribute to maintaining and continuously enhancing the competitiveness of Indonesia’s Muslim-friendly tourism.

IHTS Committee Team
Ministry of Tourism | Bank Indonesia | Bappenas


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About International Halal in Tourism Summit (IHTS)



International Halal in Tourism Summit (IHTS) is Flagship Program of PPHI with the support of Bank Indonesia, Ministry of Tourism Republic Indonesia and Confederation of Indonesia Tourism Association (GIPI). The 1 IHTS was conducted in November 2019, at Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Indonesia. The objective of IHTS events is to enhance Indonesia’s competitive edge and strengthen its global reputation in the Muslim-friendly tourism sector.

Previous IHTS Events


“Sustainable Halal Tourism To Ensure Better and Continuous Development”

JCC , 13 – 16th November 2019

Dihadiri oleh lebih dari 700 Pengunjung/ Peserta (Nasional dan International lebih dari 15 negara) Kesepakatan kerja sama pembiayaan / investasi bisnis dengan peserta pameran pariwisata halal/anggota PPHI bernilai total Rp 580M


“Strategic Innovation for Sustainable Muslim Friendly Tourism”

ISEF Platform, 29th October 2020

Dihadiri oleh lebih dari 1.000 Peserta (345 Zoom, 600 Youtube, 85% Indonesia, 15% International)


“Journey For Healthy and Prosperous Life”

Hybrid at Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) & ISEF Platform, 26th October 2021

Dihadiri oleh lebih dari 1500 Peserta(50 Peserta Offline (VIP, Narasumber, PPHI), 1000+ via Zoom, 450+ via



“Rethinking Muslim Friendly Tourism for Inclusive Recovery”

Fairmont Hotel Jakarta dan Jakarta Convention Center  (JCC), 7 Oktober 2022

Dihadiri oleh lebih dari 1.000 Peserta (200+ Peserta Offline & 800+ Peserta Online (via Youtube & Zoom )



Unifying Digital Technology, AI, and Sustainability Initatives Jakarta Convention Center  (JCC), 25 Oktober 2023

Dihadiri oleh lebih dari 300 Pengunjung/ Peserta Kesepakatan kerja sama pembiayaan / investasi bisnis dengan peserta pameran pariwisata halal/anggota PPHI




CategoriesArtikel Berita

Indonesia Muslim Travel Index (IMTI) 2023: A Joint Commitment to Improve the Existence of Muslim Friendly Tourism in the Country

JAKARTA, July 27, 2023 – The Indonesian Halal Tourism Association (PPHI) is pleased to announce the implementation of the Indonesia Muslim Travel Index (IMTI) 2023 event series. IMTI 2023 is a collaborative effort between PPHI, tourism stakeholders, and several other cross-sector organizations to increase the existence and empowerment of Muslim-friendly tourism in Indonesia. As the coordinator of IMTI 2023 implementation, PPHI works closely with Bank Indonesia, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf), KNEKS, and other institutions.

The IMTI 2023 Development Workshop was successfully held on June 9 at Pullman Hotel Thamrin, Jakarta. The event was attended by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Director of DEKS Bank Indonesia, Director of KNEKS, Chairman of PPHI, and Heads of Tourism Offices from the nominated provinces.

Chairman of the Indonesian Halal Tourism Association (PPHI) Riyanto Sofyan gave a presentation at the Workshop on the Preparation of the Indonesia Muslim Travel Index (IMTI) 2023.


MTI 2023 is an important initiative to maintain and continue to develop the existence of Muslim-Friendly Tourism in Indonesia. The main aim is to give awards to provinces that are committed to providing Muslim-Friendly Tourism as extended services for domestic and foreign Muslim tourists.

The series of IMTI 2023 activities includes filling in data on the IMTI form from June 19 to July 15. Furthermore, Stage 1 Data Verification will be carried out online via the Zoom platform on date. The 2023 IMTI Team will also conduct a Field Visit from July 23 to August 1. Meanwhile, the final collection of provincial data forms is scheduled for August 1.

Furthermore, the IMTI 2023 Ranking and Rating announcement will be made in the final week of October, as part of the ISEF 2023 series of events.

The presence of IMTI 2023 is very important to maintain Indonesia as the best halal destination in the world.
IMTI 2023 will use the ACES Model as a benchmark for ranking and rating provinces that are committed to organizing Muslim-friendly tourism.

Involvement and synergy between tourism stakeholders at the central and regional levels is a crucial factor that will ensure the success of each stage of IMTI 2023. We also invite media partners to cover and participate in publishing information about IMTI 2023, as well as any developments related to efforts to increase the existence of Friendly Tourism Muslims in Indonesia.


For further information, please contact:
Rifai Chaniago (Direktur Eksekutif PPHI)
WhatsApp : +6285159066892
Email :
Website :
Instagram : @pphi_id

CategoriesArtikel Berita

Technical guidance that ignites the progress of Muslim-friendly tourism

JAKARTA, 15 July 2023 – The Technical Guidance Forum or Bimtek in Jakarta is very good, we must appreciate it and follow up. Bimtek can be a good momentum to ignite enthusiasm, progress and growth and development of Muslim-friendly tourism in Indonesia in general and in DKI Jakarta in particular.

The above statement was conveyed by the General Chair of the Indonesian Halal Tourism Association (PPHI) Riyanto Sofyan at the opening of Bimtek on Thursday (13/7) at the Borobudur Hotel, Central Jakarta. This technical guidance activity itself lasted for two days until Friday (14/7). Bimtek is a collaboration between PPHI and the Department of Tourism and Creative Economy (Disparekraf) of DKI Jakarta Province and this time the theme is, “Innovation for the Development of Sustainable Muslim-Friendly Tourism.”

Riyanto hopes that this contextual theme, discussing innovation and development, can be a concrete step for PPHI and the DKI Jakarta Province Disparekraf and Disparekraf to continue to contribute to strengthening a sustainable Muslim-friendly tourism industry in Indonesia in general and in DKI Jakarta in particular.

More than 400 participants attended this Bimtek representing various relevant stakeholders. Apart from Riyanto, also present were the President of the Malaysia Inbound Travel Association (MITA)-Uzaidi Udanis, Head of the Tourism & Creative Economy Department of DKI Jakarta Province-Andhika Permata, General Chair of ASITA-Nunung Rusmiati, President/CEO of PATA Indonesia Chapter-Poernomo Siswoprasetijo, Founder of the Halal Forum Tourism-Maulana Gunawan Surbakti, Chairman of ITMA-H.R.Iman Kadarisman, Chairman of DPD PPHI Central Java-Kukrit Suryo Wicaksono, Chairman of DPD PPHI Riau-Merza Gamal, Chairman of ASPPERWI-Ario Pringgodany, General Chairman of OK OCE Indonesia-Iim Rusyamsi, General Chairman of APFI ( Indonesian Photography Professional Association)-Ridha Nugrotopo Kusumabrata, Chair of the DPD Puteri Jateng-Bimo Wahyu Widodo, Secretary of the DPD Indonesian Tour Guide Association (HPI), Banten-Chotibul Umam, Chair of the Yogyakarta Tinalah Tourism Village – Galuh Alif Fahmi Rizki, and Daily Chair of the Salman Halal Center ITB-Dina Sudjana.

Meanwhile, Bimtek speakers for the two days included: Hafizuddin Ahmad (Team for the Acceleration of Muslim-Friendly Tourism Development/P3Halal Ministry of Tourism 2015 – 2019 and Amicale Lifestyle International Halal Consultant) who discussed the theme “Implementation of Muslim-Friendly Tourism Concepts in Tourism Businesses.” The second speaker, R. Wisnu Rahtomo (Team drafting the Strategic Plan for the Development of Muslim-Friendly Tourism Destinations and Lecturer at Poltekpar NHI Bandung) discussed the theme, “Implementation of the Concept of Muslim-Friendly Tourism in Tourism Destinations.” The third speaker, Tawfiq Ikhtianto (Crescentrating) discussed the theme, “Muslim Friendly Tourism Rating & Recognition.” The fourth speaker, Uzaidi Udanis (President of the Malaysia Inbound Travel Association/MITA) discussed “Preferences of Malaysian Muslim Tourists.”

Riyanto explained that Bimtek activities were designed with the main aim of achieving several things that are very relevant and important for the development of Muslim-friendly tourism in Indonesia, including: increasing understanding about Muslim-friendly tourism, increasing the ability of tourism business actors and human resources, increasing the ability to adapt to post-modern changes. -pandemic and digitalization era as well as increasing competitiveness to exploit opportunities for the Big Size High Growth Muslim (halal) market with the number in 2019 of the Muslim tourist market amounting to 160 million tourists (spending US$ 194 B with growth of 7.5%) while the number of Chinese tourist markets is in under the Muslim tourist market, namely 155 million tourists (spend of US$ 77.1B with growth of 3.3%) thus showing that the Muslim tourist market is the main market, not a niche market.

It is also hoped that the Bimtek event can become a platform to provide understanding and implementation of the concept of Muslim-friendly tourism in the business sector and tourist destinations. Bimtek is also expected to be a follow-up to Indonesia’s success in ranking 1st again in the Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) on June 1 2023 in Singapore issued by Mastercard Crescentrating.

Bimtek is not only in the form of provision and training but has become an intensive communication forum between tourism industry players and halal tourism business operators and destination managers from both Indonesia and Malaysia through B2B or business matching forums within the framework of cross selling, the Joint Package Muslim Friendly Travel Series so as to encourage the occurrence of direct transactions between business actors, creating opportunities for collaboration and innovation to accelerate and sustain Muslim-friendly tourism and increase tourist inbound to Indonesia and Malaysia.

Kadisparekraf DKI Jakarta Province, Andhika Permata, added, for DKI Jakarta Province, this event is a good momentum for preparation for DKI Jakarta Province in preparing itself at the level of business actors and human resources by implementing global benchmarking, namely an international ranking program for product quality. and Muslim Friendly Tourism business services, namely “Muslim Friendly Rating for Services and Facilities in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Segment” by Mastercard Crescentrating in collaboration with PPHI.

Furthermore, there will be an ongoing national level program, namely the Indonesia Muslim Travel Index (IMTI) 2023 program, the results of which will be announced in October 2023. This activity, Andika hopes, can spark the growth and development of Muslim-friendly tourism in DKI Jakarta. DKI Jakarta is also expected to become the main Muslim-friendly tourism destination in Indonesia which will have an impact on increasing foreign exchange earnings from foreign tourists and increasing Regional Original Income (PAD).

Another interesting thing about this Bimtek activity, according to Andika, is the famtrip which was participated in by sellers from Indonesia and Malaysia to introduce tourist attractions or tourism products of DKI Jakarta to encourage increased visits from domestic and foreign tourists.

Participants who attend Bimtek also get the opportunity for a free international ranking or rating after being registered as PPHI members in the “Muslim Friendly Rating for Services and Facilities in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Segment” program by Mastercard Crescentrating in collaboration with PPHI.


For further information, please contact:
Rifai Chaniago (Direktur Eksekutif PPHI)
WhatsApp : +6285159066892
Email :
Website :
Instagram : @pphi_id

CategoriesArtikel Berita

Determined to Repeat Success, PPHI and DKI Disparekraf Hold Technical Guidance for Muslim Friendly Tourism Innovation

JAKARTA, 13 July 2023 – The Indonesian Halal Tourism Association (PPHI) in collaboration with the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Service (Disparekraf) is again holding a Technical Guidance (Bimtek) activity entitled “Innovation for the Development of Sustainable Muslim-Friendly Tourism.” This event was held as a concrete step for PPHI to continue to contribute to strengthening the sustainable Muslim-Friendly Tourism industry in Indonesia.

Bimtek activities were held offline at the Borobudur Hotel, Central Jakarta, lasting for two days, Thursday-Friday (13-14 July) opening at 08:00. The first day was filled with two talk show sessions that brought in expert speakers in the field of Muslim-friendly tourism. Meanwhile, on the second day, the agenda was a Famtrip to Kampung Betawi in the Setu Babakan area, South Jakarta. This technical guidance was also attended by several business actors from Malaysia who were expected to open up opportunities for direct business transactions between business actors.

The series of Bimtek events were attended by various industry players from the tourism sector, including business actors who are members of the associations ASITA, ASTINDO, ASPPI, HPI, PPHI, DKI Jakarta Regional Work Units (SKPD), members of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI), members tourist destinations that are members of the Indonesian Recreation Park Business Association (PUTRI), halal tourism communities or associations as well as several business actors from neighboring Malaysia.

This Bimtek activity is designed with the main aim of achieving several things that are very relevant and important for the development of Muslim-friendly tourism in Indonesia, including: increasing understanding about Muslim-friendly tourism, increasing the capabilities of tourism business actors and human resources, increasing the ability to adapt to post-pandemic changes and the era of digitalization and increasing competitiveness to exploit opportunities for the Big Size High Growth Muslim (halal) market with the number in 2019 of the Muslim tourist market amounting to 160 million tourists (expenditure of US$ 194 B with growth of 7.5%) while the Chinese tourist market is below the Muslim tourist market. namely 155 million tourists (expenditure of US$ 77.1B with growth of 3.3%) thus showing that the Muslim tourist market is the main market, not a niche market.

It is hoped that the Bimtek event can become a platform to provide understanding and implementation of the concept of Muslim-friendly tourism in the business sector and tourist destinations. Apart from that, technical guidance can be a follow-up to Indonesia’s success in ranking 1st again in the Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) on June 1 2023 in Singapore, issued by Mastercard Crescentrating. This momentum is also a preparation for the DKI Jakarta Province in preparing itself at the business actor and human resources level by implementing global benchmarking, namely an international rating program for the quality of Muslim-friendly tourism business products and services, namely “Muslim Friendly Rating for Services and Facilities in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Segment” by Mastercard Crescentrating in collaboration with PPHI.

Furthermore, there will be an ongoing national level program, namely the Indonesia Muslim Travel Index (IMTI) 2023 program, the results of which will be announced in October 2023. This activity is expected to spark the growth and development of Muslim-friendly tourism in DKI Jakarta. DKI Jakarta is also expected to become the main Muslim-friendly tourism destination in Indonesia which will have an impact on increasing foreign exchange earnings from foreign tourists and increasing Regional Original Income (PAD).


For further information, please contact:

Rifai Chaniago (Direktur Eksekutif PPHI)

WhatsApp : +6285159066892

Email :

Website :

Instagram : @pphi_id